This is a list of terms and abbreviations you might come across when dealing with a murder or manslaughter abroad.


Advocacy After Fatal Domestic Abuse

Founded by Frank Mullane in memory of his sister Julia Pemberton and her son Will who were both killed by her partner.

AAFDA specialises in guiding families through Inquiries including Domestic Homicide Reviews and Mental Health Reviews, and assist with and represent on Inquests, Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) inquiries and other reviews.

All-Party Parliamentary Group

APPGs are informal cross-party groups run by and for Members of the Commons and Lords.

ASSIST Trauma Care

A specialist, not-for-profit organisation offering therapeutic help to adults and children, individuals and families, affected by a wide range of traumatic occurrences, including traumatic bereavement through homicide. 


Chief Constable

The rank used by the chief police officer of every regional police force in the UK except for the City of London Police and Metropolitan Police who are led by commissioners.

Criminal Justice System (UK)



A Coroner (in England and Wales) is an independent judicial office holder, appointed by a local council. Coroners investigate deaths that have been reported to them if it appears that:
• the death was violent or unnatural
• the cause of death is unknown, or
• the person died in prison, police custody, or another type of state detention.
In these cases coroners must investigate to find out, for the benefit of bereaved people and for official records, who has died and how, when, and where they died.


Crown Prosecution Service (England & Wales)

The Crown Prosecution Service was set up in 1986 to prosecute criminal cases investigated by the police in England and Wales. 




The Europeon Union’s law enforcement agency support the 27 EU Member States in their fight against terrorism, cybercrime and other serious and organised forms of crime. Europol also works with many non-EU partner states and international organisations. 


FCDO (formerly FCO)
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office


Family Liaison And Co-ordination of Support Services (Police in England & Wales)


Family Liaison Officer (Police in England & Wales)



House of Commons



The term ‘homicide’ covers the offences of murder, manslaughter and infanticide.




An inquest is a public court hearing held by the coroner in order to establish who died and how, when and where the death occurred.

International Criminal Police Organization

The International Criminal Police Organization facilitates worldwide police co-operation and crime control across its 194 member countries.



KnifeCrimes.Org is an online knife, gun and gang related information resource aimed at violence reduction, and fewer Victims by changing attitudes. 

It is a national registered charity providing peer support to families and friends affected by serious violent crime or bereaved as a result of homicide.  




To lobby is to make the case for a particular policy, cause or group directly to a government minister or a member of either House with the aim of influencing their decisions.



Ministry of Justice


Memorandum of Understanding


Member of Parliament



National Crime Agency

The NCA tackles serious and organised crime, strengthens our borders, fights fraud and cyber crime, and protects children and young people from sexual abuse and exploitation.  


Needs Assessment

The process of finding out what people need to help them cope and recover from the impact of crime.


National Police Chiefs’ Council

The NPCC brings police forces in the UK together to help policing coordinate operations, reform, improve and provide value for money.



Parliamentary Question

A Parliamentary Question (PQ) is a question put formally to a government minister about a matter they are responsible for by an MP or a member of the Lords. PQs may be asked orally - during ministerial question time in either Chamber - or in writing. They are used to seek information or to press for action from the Government. MPs can raise matters in the House of Commons on behalf of their constituents by asking PQs. If your MP holds a ministerial post in the current government, s/he cannot ask questions on your behalf. Another member of your family, not in the same constituency as you, may be able to ask his/her MP to ask a PQ.


Police & Crime Commissioner

Every police force area in England and Wales is represented by a PCC, except Greater Manchester and London, where PCC responsibilities lie with the Mayor.

The role of the PCCs is to be the voice of the people and hold the police to account. They are responsible for the totality of policing.




The process of transporting a body back to their own country after they have been killed in a foreign country.



SAMMM / SAMM Merseyside
Support After Murder & Manslaughter Merseyside

SAMMM was founded in 1994 and is run by and for the people who have been bereaved as a result of a murder or manslaughter.

SAMM / SAMM National
Support After Murder & Manslaughter

A registered charity offering support to those bereaved by murder or manslaughter.


Senior Investigating Officer (Police in England & Wales)



Victims’ Commissioner


Victim Support Homicide Service