Practical & Emotional Support

We provide practical support to people bereaved by murder and manslaughter abroad through:

  • Navigating families from day one onwards, with no exit strategy (ie: there is no limit to the length of time we will provide support).

  • Explaining the barriers that families will face and providing ways to overcome them.

  • Providing guidance on repatriation and the English and Welsh ‘Inquest’ process.

  • Speaking directly to Police, Coroners, the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) Murder & Manslaughter Team and other agencies on behalf of families.

  • Support to request a Forensic Post-mortem in the UK (and assistance in interpreting the findings of the report).

  • Seeking pro bono (without charge) help from lawyers, including representation at Inquest.

  • Helping to write letters to MPs, Police, Embassies, the FCDO and other agencies.

  • Helping to handle the media.

  • Helping with Freedom of Information requests.

  • Seeking independent, expert opinions on individual cases that are proving to be particularly challenging.

  • Providing information and training to Police in England & Wales, the FCDO and coronial staff to improve their understanding of abroad cases.

  • Linking with victim organisations abroad.

We provide emotional support through:

  • Four face-to-face “peer support” meetings each year in London, Manchester, Gloucester and Northampton (these were held via Zoom during the COVID-19 pandemic). We meet for mutual support, to discuss common difficulties, and look for ways to overcome them. Meetings are informal and provide a safe space. We try to have a guest speaker at each meeting, speaking on topics relevant to anyone bereaved by murder abroad. See here for our list of recent speakers.

  • Connecting people together who have similarities in their cases or circumstances.

  • A 24-7 helpline (0845 123 2384).

  • Email support available from

  • Signposting/referral to specialist traumatic bereavement counselling services.

We do not have official opening hours. Murdered Abroad’s Trustees are available and responsive to act as and when needed, accommodating international timezones.

We cannot provide financial support to individual families, but we can signpost to other organisations who may be able to help.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to cases as complex as these. Our response to each family is unique and bespoke to their needs.

If you need our help, please get in touch.