Supporting families at Inquest


Murdered Abroad is delighted to have partnered with 5 Essex Court who can provide advice and assistance on inquests and coronial law to families bereaved by murder or manslaughter abroad.

A coroner in England or Wales will normally hold an inquest if the person died a violent or unnatural death overseas and their body is returned to their district. For many families, the inquest will be their only route to answers and information in this country and as such is a vital process that they need to understand. Families should participate in the inquest proceedings and have proper representation. 

5 Essex Court has particular expertise in inquests and members of chambers have appeared in many of the most high profile cases in recent years including The Tunisian Shootings where the Coroner found that each of the 30 British deceased victims had been unlawfully killed.

Murdered Abroad is extremely grateful to Senior Clerk Mark Waller who has arranged for his colleagues to volunteer their time and expertise to assist our families.


What happens to those affected by homicide in another country?


Investigating deaths abroad: Justice For All